Definition of Nerve impulse

1. Noun. The electrical discharge that travels along a nerve fiber. "They demonstrated the transmission of impulses from the cortex to the hypothalamus"

Exact synonyms: Impulse, Nervous Impulse, Neural Impulse
Generic synonyms: Electrical Discharge
Specialized synonyms: Action Potential

Definition of Nerve impulse

1. Noun. (physiology) The signal transmitted along a nerve fibre, either in response to a stimulus (such as touch, pain or heat), or as an instruction (such as causing a muscle to contract). ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Nerve impulse

1. An action potential. This entry appears with permission from the Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology (11 Mar 2008)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Nerve Impulse

nerve fascicle
nerve fiber
nerve fibers
nerve fibre
nerve fibres
nerve field
nerve force
nerve gas
nerve gases
nerve graft
nerve growth cone
nerve growth factor
nerve growth factor antiserum
nerve growth factors
nerve implantation
nerve impulse
nerve impulses
nerve net
nerve nets
nerve of external acoustic meatus
nerve of pterygoid canal
nerve of smell
nerve of tensor tympani muscle
nerve of tensor veli palatini muscle
nerve of tympanic membrane
nerve pain
nerve pathway
nerve plexus
nerve regeneration
nerve root

Literary usage of Nerve impulse

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Text-book of physiology: For Medical Students and Physicians by William Henry Howell (1915)
"Moreover, all influences that alter the velocity or strength of the nerve impulse affect the intensity of the action current in the same manner. ..."

2. Human Psychology by Howard Crosby Warren (1919)
"PROBLEM NEURAL ACTIVITY Nature and Modal Variation of the nerve impulse. ... 97).1 At present, then, we may regard the nerve impulse as a 'chemo-electric' ..."

3. An American Text-book of Physiology by William Henry Howell (1900)
"Both of these conditions are characteristic of the nervous system during old age. B. THE NERVE-IMPULSE WITHIN A SINGLE NEURONE. The Nerve-impulse. ..."

4. The Journal of Physiology by Physiological Society (Great Britain). (1889)
"Somewhere or other something which is not the nerve impulse stalls the nerve impulse in ... It is always now a nerve impulse which precedes a nerve impulse. ..."

5. A Manual of Physiology: With Practical Exercises by George Neil Stewart (1918)
"By artificial stimulation, however, a nerve-impulse may be started at any ... Nature of the Nerve-Impulse.—What the nerve-impulse actually consists in we do ..."

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